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2010-04-23 10:39:17
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[Sir Riddle]'s quotes!! yay^^^

"Falling never killed anyone..., it's the quick stop at the end that gets you."

"A problem only exist if someone lacks the ability to come up with the solution."

"You never see the hard times in a photo album, but they are the ones that get you from one happy snap-shot to the other."

"He walked on water, perhaps..., But could He have swum on land?"

"One fate, with one million ways to defy it."

"Consider how much more you often suffer from your anger and grief, than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved."

"It's better to be hated for what you are then loved for what you are not."

"Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity."

"Ask me no questions, Ill tell you no lies."

"Life is a game at which most everyone looses."

"Nobody dies a virgin..., life fucks us all."

"It's better to die on your feet then live on your knees."

"There is no arguing with the barrel of a gun."

“If the only place I can have you is in my dreams..., I'll sleep forever.”

"Feel the fear of confusion and confuse the feeling of fear."

"A false friend is worse than an open enemy."

"Control your own destiny or someone else will."

"Dont ever let life pass you by."

“It's ok to kiss a fool, it's ok to let a fool kiss you, but never let a kiss fool you.“

"Your body is to die for, and I long to be martyred."

"The saddest of all prisons is within a person's own heart."

"None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm."

"You cannot dream yourself into a character, you must hammer and forge yourself one."

"To repeat what others have said, requires education, to challenge it, requires brains."

"A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered."

"A pessimist is the best thing to be, in any situation you're either right, or pleasantly surprised."

"Sanity is madness put to good uses."

"Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it."

“The blade is a relic of ancient times, cruel, vicious, mean-spirited times.“

“If there is such a thing as too much power, it is not yet discovered.“

“On darkness feeding, in nightmares breeding.“

“You say that I am two-faced? enough with the flattery.“

“your mind, like your body, is made up from the swamp’s flotsam.“

“your blood, your marrow, your spirit, all is mine…“

“which is worse, the sleep that never ends, or the sleep that never comes? “

“Only in mirrors do heroes find their equal.“

“hate erupts from peaks of chaos and flows from rivers of molten rage.“

“why limit yourself to mortal law, if you can outlive those who enforce it?“

“Bright as a mirror, dark as the sea.“

“Humbly I bow, silently I wait, deeply I listen.“

“Bitter as wormwood, sweet as mulled wine.“

“The turning of the tide always begins with one soldier’s decision to head back into the fray.“

“The best defence is not to get hit.“

“No matter how righteous the cause, it always helps to bring along some muscle.“

“I thought of fate as an iron lattice, intricate, but rigidly unchangeable, that was until some force bent fate’s bars and spared my life.“

“Our unity humbles our foes.“

“Defence is as much a part of war as offence, the shield as important a tool as the sword.“

“If it would end this empty feeling, my life is yours.“

“The heart’s courage is the soul’s guardian.“

“It’s easy for the innocent to speak of justice, they seldom feel its terrible power.“

“I stand ready to die for our world, who will stand with me? “

“Roam as you will, your roots remain in the strong earth of your rising.“

“Learn to burn!“

“Scouting a battle before you fight it is just good business.“

“Time flows like a river, I want to learn how to build dams.“

“None appreciate sun and shallows like those who have seen the depths.“

“In secrecy is strength, none can oppose one who cannot be found.“

“When your enemies are denied battle, they are denied victory.“

“Ever tried to count hyperactive mice while someone is shouting random numbers in your ear? It’s like that…“

“Dream as if you'll live forever. live as if you'll die today.“

“You are not prey until a predator knows of your existence.“

“No bird soars too high if it soars with its own wings.“

“When a strong mind moves, form and energy shift to heed it.“

“The East wind, an interloper in the dominions of Westerly weather, is an impassive faced tyrant with a sharp poniard held behind his back for a treacherous stab.“

“Even a dragon is humble as a kitten if it thinks itself a slave.“

“Never underestimate the power of the soul unleashed.“

“Abandon not your faith when others abandon you.“

“The water that a ship sails on is the same water that swallows it up.“

“Wisdom is not the counting of all the drops in a waterfall, wisdom is learning why the water seeks the earth.“

“Mastery is achieved when ‘telling time’ becomes ‘telling time what to do’.“

“Words, so innocent and powerless as they are, standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become to one who knows how to combine them.“

“Nature? Fire? Bah! Both are chaotic and difficult to control, Ice is structured, latticed, light as a feather, massive as a glacier, in Ice, there is power.“

“Diametrically opposing energies in self-sealed plasmodermic bubbles make great pets.“

“Don’t use military might, wield two of the sharpest swords ever forged; Faith in your left hand, Wealth in your right.“

“Inflict pain to forget your own and break foes to feel whole.“

“Nature’s most raw beauty is the circle, perfect in its continuance with no break between death and life.“

“Take two steps North into the unsettled future, South into the unquiet past, East into the present day or West into the great unknown.“

“For every tree that falls there are countless sprouts waiting to rise.“

“They say the forest has eyes, they never mention its claws.“

“Garb is for common folk, wear insight and zeal, ambition and flame.“

“As silent as a shadow, and just as hard to flee from.“

“The darkness merely hides the light.“

“The undead don’t ‘awaken’, they are evicted when there’s no room left in the pit for more bodies.“

“Greatness, at any cost.“

“Thoughts do not interest me nearly as much as the absence thereof.“

“Anyone can snap their fingers and yank a soul, try to kill creatively.“

“All dead move to the hollow rhythm of necromancy.“

“Death is no excuse to stop working.“

“Chainer’s insanity touches nearly every living thing, including viruses.“

“When tempers run high, it’s easy to lose your head.“

“Don’t let your mind wander, it might not come back.“

“Fouler than a necromancer’s kiss.“

“Any fool who’d die for honour is better off dead.“

“The weight of death is heavy but not immovable.“

“The fear in the victims’ eyes is the most cherished reward.“

“A full coffin is like a full coffer, both are attractive to thieves.“

“The beauty of mental attacks is that victims never remember them.“

“Knowledge demands sacrifice.“

“A duel is a thing of beauty, the warriors’ grace, the crash of steel, and then the artful spray of blood.“

“The dead make good soldiers, they can’t disobey orders, never surrender, and don’t stop when a random body part falls off.“

“Change your mind, or I’ll change it for you.“

“This is how wars are won, not with armies, but with a single blade, artfully placed.“

“Death inevitable leads to life, but the truly powerful don’t just experience this cycle, they control it.“

“Choose your next words carefully, they will be your last.“

“The best ideas often come from the worst minds.“

“Even the bravest of warriors knows the dark clutch of fright upon his stalwart heart.“

“Victory is better than honour.“

“The touch of death is never gentle.“

“Battle doesn’t need a purpose, the battle is its own purpose, you don’t ask a plague why it spreads, don’t ask why I fight.“

“The land begs for drink and curses the rain that follows.“

“The first blow is the most important, it often negates the need for a second.“

“Fire finds its form in the heat of the forge.“

“The ingredients for panic include equal parts danger, uncertainty and helplessness.“

“Find your courage in a desperate moment, and you turn the tide of history.“

“Reach out and torch.“

“Where do you run when the earth becomes your enemy? “

“Be as fast as lightning and you’ll be just as deadly.“

“Never stop till you see the end of the blade come out the other side.“

“Oddly, an unstable time stream makes people want to tinker with it even more.“

“Those who fear the darkness have never seen what light can do“

“Hope of deliverance is scorched by the fire of futility.“

“The climax of a warrior’s career is always death.“

“I hope to have such a death; lying in triumph upon the broken bodies of those who slew me.“

“This is the fury of the wildfire, the boiling of the volcano, fight not because someone wronged you, but because they’re there.”

“A skilled decoy can throw an enemies of your trail, a master decoy can survive to do it again.“

“There is no tactic more enjoyable as ambushing the ambushers.“

“Brute force wins battles, conviction wins wars.“

“Power often comes too high a price.“

“We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately.“

“Healing is a matter of time, but sometimes it is also a matter of opportunity.“

“A warrior moves with fluid poise, their awareness extending far beyond five senses.“

“Infantry deployment is the art of putting your troops in the wrong place at the right time.“

“No doubt in your mind, no fear in your heart.“

“Only the warrior who can admit mortal weakness will be bolstered by immortal strength.“

“The warrior’s path is worn smooth by many feet, all in one direction and none returning.“

“Flesh can be tempered by spellcraft and forged ever stronger by the hammers of foes.“

“Once you learn to float on the shadows, you’ll never fear them again.“

“A fight put off forever is already won.“

“Perception is more pleasing than truth.“

“The duty: to defend, the reason: to survive.“

“Some blades seek their own wielders.“

“People fight hardest on their own soil.“

“Faith’s shield is hammered out by the blows of unbelievers.“

“Know your history, the lessons of the past will shield you in times of doubt.“

“Beauty is beyond law.“

“We plant the seed of doubt to harvest the crop of wisdom.“

“Age wears the flesh but galvanizes the soul.“

Username (or number or email):


2010-01-29 [Rook.]: noooo.... I needs you anya *huggles*

2010-01-29 [Sir Riddle]: don't worry, this place is warded against vanishing^^^

2010-01-29 [Rook.]: *dreams of vanishing with anya shatters into a million pieces*

2010-01-29 [Sir Riddle]: *wicked smile and evil laugh*

2010-01-29 [Rook.]: *Cries*

2010-01-29 [Sir Riddle]: I'll keep you 2 locked in here, it's a dangerous world out there, I wouldn't want to let you get hurt^^^

2010-01-29 [Rook.]: *translation* He's greedy and doesn't want to share the fun of torturing us.

2010-01-30 [Sir Riddle]: *coughs* those are your words, not mine...^^^"

2010-01-30 [Lady Arrianya]: OI!!! NOT FAIR *pouts*

2010-01-31 [Sir Riddle]: my apologies, milady *grovels*

2010-01-31 [Lady Arrianya]: o.O.....ok then.....*stands there, a bit confused now*

2010-01-31 [Darth Jacein]: ...oh now.. what did i miss?

2010-01-31 [Sir Riddle]: something rook isn't going to like^^^

2010-01-31 [Darth Jacein]: interested now

2010-01-31 [Sir Riddle]: she's probably going to get jealous that I'm groveling before milady here^^^

2010-01-31 [Darth Jacein]: aww

2010-02-01 [Rook.]: *laughs* and he thinks that I care that hes not groveling in front of me. I quite agree that Anya is overlord.

2010-02-01 [Sir Riddle]: *mutters darkly* godsblasted...>.>

2010-02-01 [Rook.]: *Grins and skips off to go do something victorious*

2010-02-01 [Sir Riddle]: might I suggest adding a single point to your victory score?^^^

I'll add the last few tons to mine^^^

2010-02-01 [Rook.]: *glares*

2010-02-01 [Sir Riddle]: wait, make that tons +1^^^

2010-02-01 [Rook.]: *finds a coffin, hops in and slams the lid shut*

2010-02-01 [Sir Riddle]: could you open it up for just a second? my victory list is burnt into the inside of the lid...

2010-02-01 [Rook.]: *teleports to a different coffin*

2010-02-01 [Sir Riddle]: for bragging purposes I repeated this process quite often^^^

2010-02-01 [Rook.]: *ignores the victory list and goes to sleep*

2010-02-01 [Sir Riddle]: just in case, I also added a feature that constantly screams the number of victories when activated^^^ quite a noise, I might add^^^

2010-02-01 [Rook.]: lucky me I'm good at ignoring noise. *secretly warps to anya and snuggles up on her lap*

2010-02-01 [Sir Riddle]: *sighs* you actually think I wouldn't notice...? >.>"

2010-02-01 [Rook.]: Well, I'm safe with anya :P

2010-02-01 [Sir Riddle]: that's about the only place you're safe though...>.>

2010-02-01 [Rook.]: *grins* lucky me

2010-02-01 [Sir Riddle]: I'll find a way to isolate you...

2010-02-01 [Rook.]: *raises an eyebrow* good luck :P

2010-02-02 [Sir Riddle]: "says the victim"

2010-02-02 [Rook.]: "says the victim cuddled and attached to your overlord"

2010-02-02 [Sir Riddle]: chikusou!!

never mind my japanese...>.>

I can always lift the wards to this place for Milady Anya only...

2010-02-02 [Rook.]: *growls*

2010-02-02 [Sir Riddle]: growling dogs don't bite^^^


don't know about growling bunnies though...

2010-02-02 [Rook.]: Oh yes... growling bunnies do bite.

Do you not remember our friends Tim and White Rabbit-witha-mean-streak-a-mile-wide...?

2010-02-02 [Sir Riddle]: Tim was not a rabbit...>.>"

2010-02-02 [Rook.]: Yes he was. He just didn't want to tell you. He thought you would disaaprove :P

2010-02-02 [Sir Riddle]: darn that guy...>.>

2010-02-02 [Rook.]: ^.^

2010-02-16 [Lady Arrianya]: wow...ok wait a minute....since when am i the overlord in this little hellish circus *has an impish grin at the wording since both of you are dear to me. wraps arms protectively around poe*

2010-02-16 [Rook.]: *sticks my tongue out at riddle* HA!

2010-02-16 [Sir Riddle]: last time I checked it was still MY domain though...^^^

2010-02-16 [Rook.]: last time i checked, i didn't care.... *gasp*

2010-02-16 [Sir Riddle]: then why are you even here...? >.>"

2010-02-17 [Rook.]: because you're fun.

2010-02-17 [Lady Arrianya]: Maybe because she enjoys keeping you focused on her so that you arent tortureing Eyo or anyone else? *giggles at that musing*

oh and as a side note, my fiancee's puppy is a little pain in the ass!

2010-02-17 [Rook.]: Yes.. that too.
Beacuse it works ^.^

poor puppy.

2010-02-17 [Lady Arrianya]: LMAO...*might know her too well atm :P*

2010-02-17 [Rook.]: *beams and turns into a wolf pup, nuzzeling anya* anya, you know me better than Riddle does, and that's saying something. :P

2010-02-17 [Lady Arrianya]: Though that is a scary thought my dear *nuzzles the puppeh poe back and smiles*

2010-02-17 [Rook.]: how is that scary, exactly? *licks anya's chin*

2010-02-17 [Lady Arrianya]: I would rather not try to delve too deeply into my own thought processes right now my dear

2010-02-17 [Rook.]: alright mistress *curls up on anya's lap*

2010-02-17 [Lady Arrianya]: *pets poe gently and smiles, content right now despite everything happening in her own other world.*

2010-02-17 [Rook.]: *starts purring*

2010-02-17 [Sir Riddle]: so..., I see the mice have been playing while the cat was away?

on a sidenote, keeping me focused isn't exactly working..., if I wanted to torture someone else, I would^^^

2010-02-17 [Rook.]: *is asleep*

2010-02-18 [Lady Arrianya]: Lol. So now I am a simple mouse riddle? I thought I was still an elven wolf...

2010-02-18 [Sir Riddle]: it could be worse^^^

2010-02-19 [Lady Arrianya]: aww damn...*pokes riddle with a sharp pointy, knowing wont really harm him

2010-02-19 [Rook.]: *opens an eye* ooohh... a stick!!!!

2010-02-19 [Lady Arrianya]: lol *gives rook the stick to play with*

2010-02-21 [Rook.]: *grabs the stick, runs off, and starts gnawing on it*

2010-02-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *giggles and watches, enjoying watching poe play*

2010-02-21 [Rook.]: *continues nomming happily*
ooh, anya. I dyed my hair ^_^

2010-02-22 [Lady Arrianya]: OOOOHHHH! what color?

2010-02-22 [Rook.]: Dark auburn
*crawls over to you and puts my head in anya's lap, whining pityfully*

2010-02-22 [Lady Arrianya]: *scratches behind poe's ear* awsome!

2010-02-22 [Rook.]: *leans into the scratch*

2010-02-22 [Lady Arrianya]: *scratches more*

2010-02-22 [Rook.]: *pants*

2010-02-22 [Sir Riddle]: now all we need is a twitching leg and the picture is complete^^^

2010-02-22 [Rook.]: *growls*

2010-02-24 [Lady Arrianya]: You know...that is very true riddle

2010-02-24 [Rook.]: *sulks and lopes off into the forest*

2010-02-25 [Lady Arrianya]: O.o
whats up with her...

2010-02-25 [Rook.]: Aftereffects of a breakup...

2010-02-26 [Lady Arrianya]: you wanna talk about it dear?

2010-02-26 [Rook.]: *shrugs* I kind of have with Riddle, and he suprisingly was sort of caring and sweet, and it helped, but I'm just struggling with the 'why wasnt i good enough part' self-confidence issues... so unless you have an instant world care wiper away-er, nothing is gonna help much but some time. *Snuggles into Anya*

2010-02-26 [Lady Arrianya]: *cuddles poe, holding her gently and rocking slightly*

2010-02-26 [Rook.]: this certainly helps some. *licks anya's chin*

2010-02-27 [Sir Riddle]: now hold on just a second..., you didn't just call me caring and sweet, did you?

if you did, countermeasures will be taken...

in the form of running away screaming that is...

2010-02-27 [Rook.]: This certainly will be amusing to watch. *flicks my tail back and forth* And YES, i DID compliment you.

2010-02-27 [Sir Riddle]: oh bugger...>.>

2010-02-27 [Rook.]: *grins and curls into a half circle around anya protectively*

2010-02-27 [Sir Riddle]: *walks to the open half of the "circle"*

2010-02-27 [Lady Arrianya]: *sits there looking up at riddle, stroking poe's fur gently* yes?

2010-02-27 [Rook.]: *watches riddle*

2010-02-28 [Sir Riddle]: just showing that making half a circle of protection isn't all that effective as one can simply wander to the other side^^^

2010-02-28 [Rook.]: According to you, no one can get in or out.... but i get your point. time for a more protective change
*shifts into a dragon*

2010-02-28 [Sir Riddle]: and that's supposed to stop me? you forget I'm already within arms reach, you just expanded your size, before you can lift a finger, I can already do whatever I want to do^^^

I do wonder why you're going through all the trouble when I have no intention of doing anything though..., like I pointed out earlier...

2010-02-28 [Rook.]: I wasn't saying you would harm anya, i'm just making sure no one else can. Besides, if you did anything to anya, you wouln't survive her retribution

2010-03-01 [Lady Arrianya]: would depend on what he did...

2010-03-01 [Sir Riddle]: depends on what I can think of^^^

2010-03-01 [Rook.]: So lets not give you a chance to think...
*reverts back to wolf form*
I may trust you with my life, but I'm not sure if i trust you with anya's, hypothetically speaking.

2010-03-01 [Sir Riddle]: well, you trusting me with your life isn't the best idea either^^^

2010-03-01 [Rook.]: I've got no reason to not trust you.

2010-03-01 [Sir Riddle]: and that while I've given you plenty^^^

2010-03-01 [Rook.]: not really

2010-03-01 [Sir Riddle]: ...

you may not have noticed..., but that doesn't make my valiant attempts any less valuable^^^

2010-03-02 [Rook.]: i noticed.

2010-03-02 [Sir Riddle]: that's no excuse...>.>

2010-03-02 [Rook.]: ^^

2010-03-03 [Lady Arrianya]: lmao ok then children lets behave. I have too many admin jobs right now to be settling an argument ^^

2010-03-04 [Sir Riddle]: yes, kind mistress^^^

2010-03-04 [Rook.]: *snuggles* alright Anya

2010-03-04 [Sir Riddle]: darn.., I forgot the bow...>.>

2010-03-04 [Rook.]: what bow?

2010-03-04 [Sir Riddle]: when answering your mistress, always make a bow^^^ common courtesy^^^

2010-03-04 [Rook.]: anya's my wifey, and you dont bow to me...

2010-03-04 [Sir Riddle]: yes, well, there's a clear line between mistress and non-mistress I'm afraid...

2010-03-04 [Rook.]: *growls*

2010-03-04 [Sir Riddle]: no worries, there are many ways of honouring non-mistressess^^^

2010-03-05 [Rook.]: honouring... or apeasing?

2010-03-05 [Lady Arrianya]: both ^^ and i dont mind riddle. *nuzzles rook and throws a new sharp toy to riddle*

2010-03-05 [Sir Riddle]: ohh!^^^ *shiny eyes, then finds a new prey to stalk*

2010-03-05 [Rook.]: *giggles and smiles* bring him back alive....!

2010-03-05 [Sir Riddle]: will do^^^


parts of him...

2010-03-06 [Rook.]: ... as long as i get the torso and head attached together.

2010-03-06 [Sir Riddle]: no problem there^^^


unless of course, there was an "accident"

2010-03-07 [Rook.]: *stares* What?!

2010-03-11 [Lady Arrianya]: Oi... *gives poe a vampire toy, his fangs gone and his powers completely bound for the rest of eternity, he also being a eunich thanks to my dagger* there have fun dear

2010-03-11 [Rook.]: *pouts* why did he have to be a eunich >> *shrugs* oh well ^^ I can have more fun this way. *pounces on the vampire and drags him away* I love ya Anya!

2010-03-12 [Lady Arrianya]: *giggles and flops* keeping my subjects happy can be very tiring!

2010-03-15 [Rook.]: *screaming is heard, then stops.* I'm back ^_^

2010-03-17 [Lady Arrianya]: And in good form still I see. *closes eyes with content smile, hiding her worry deep inside herself*

2010-03-18 [Rook.]: *curls around anya* what's wrong?

2010-03-20 [Lady Arrianya]: just alot of drama around me again...

2010-03-22 [Rook.]: Awww... :( I'm sorry love.

2010-03-22 [Lady Arrianya]: its ok dearest

2010-04-25 [Rook.]: GAH!!! I need insane amounts of caffiene, trashy music, and a seriously awesome form of stress reliefe... my bones are about to snap I'm so tense... >_<""

2010-04-26 [Sir Riddle]: so..., basically you're dying through cafeine overdose while your bones splinter and shards pierce every vital part of your body?

2010-04-26 [Rook.]: Yeah, basically. *nods*

2010-04-26 [Sir Riddle]: I don't suppose you'll be able to tape it, right?

2010-04-26 [Rook.]: dunno... you'd have to clean up all of the blood...

2010-04-26 [Sir Riddle]: I'll save it^^^

2010-04-26 [Rook.]: For what? mass reproducing me?

2010-04-27 [Sir Riddle]: *thinks* I hadn't even thought of that yet..., but now that you mention it...

2010-04-27 [Rook.]: *facepalm*

2010-04-27 [Sir Riddle]: I'll have an army of clones, and fancy ones at that^^^

2010-04-27 [Rook.]: I'm not fancy :P

2010-04-27 [Sir Riddle]: you have no idea how fancy a whole army of you can be^^^ (don't forget it's my army, uniforms, hairstyle and everything is designed and monitored by me^^^)

2010-04-27 [Rook.]: I have a feeling there might need to be a rating on this...

2010-04-27 [Sir Riddle]: *pretends to be shocked* what on earth are you talking about? what kind of dirty thoughts are you having?

I'm simply saying that an army needs to be customized in order to be recognized...

2010-04-28 [Rook.]: *whipes the pretend off of your face* no dirty thoughts. Just the truth.

I still dont like where this is going. lol.

2010-04-28 [Sir Riddle]: which is?

duh, it's me planning to raise an army of your clones^^^

2010-04-28 [Rook.]: I'll refrain from continueing this conversation... I didnt end up bleeding... much.

2010-04-28 [Sir Riddle]: well, there might still be usable DNA all over the place...

2010-04-30 [Rook.]: *growls* is not.

2010-09-25 [Lady Arrianya]: *giggles as watches the fight* Ya know dear poe, Riddle didnt really bring up anything about how scantily dressed his army of poe clones would be :P

2010-09-27 [Sir Riddle]: I prefer having an army clad in chainmail/platemail that can take a blow, instead of a sexy army with their bellies exposed to the enemy^^^ (although I may implement a distraction squad...)

I never get that in games..., for instance, "elven platemail" is basically just a metal bra...>.> how on earth is that supposed to protect you from a lance aimed at your stomach?@_@ (I know it's just eye-candy, but it still annoys me...>.>)

2010-09-27 [Lady Arrianya]: LOL very true that is

2010-09-27 [Sir Riddle]: I have been known to make a good point every now and then^^^ (just once in a while, when my brain has generated enough thinking power)

2010-09-29 [Lady Arrianya]: You mean if your brain works to generate enough thinking power :P

2010-09-29 [Sir Riddle]: same difference^^^

2010-10-01 [Lady Arrianya]: lmao true ^^

2010-10-01 [Sir Riddle]: perhaps not necessarily, but who cares anyway?^^^

2010-10-01 [Lady Arrianya]: certainly not me

2010-10-01 [Lady Arrianya]: oh go check the comments on my poetry page :P

2010-10-01 [Sir Riddle]: *bows* yes, mistress...*coughs* second mistress I mean, wouldn't want to upset the one and only^^^

2010-10-01 [Lady Arrianya]: *giggles and pets poe gently* she is of course both our mistress and always shall be >.>

2010-10-01 [Sir Riddle]: one day I shall cast off these chains of oppression!

thank the gods she's not here to read that^^^"

2010-10-01 [Lady Arrianya]: lmao

2010-10-01 [Sir Riddle]: anyway, what was so special about those comments?

2010-10-01 [Lady Arrianya]: did you read the one about the message from a new friend on messenger?

2010-10-01 [Sir Riddle]: must have missed that... *walks away to check again*

2010-10-01 [Lady Arrianya]: *giggles*

2010-10-01 [Sir Riddle]: ok, unless I've been looking at the wrong wiki, I can't find anything special...?

2010-10-01 [Lady Arrianya]: *shares message from someone who spotted my true dark side without trying*
Ren Hazima: good night my dear sister, may destruction follow on your path

Good thing I keep that side in check >.>

2010-10-01 [Sir Riddle]: yeah, I've seen that one, didn't know it was from a messenger friend though o.0

but still, I'm dying to know what you're implying^^^ (although, knowing me, it's probably pretty obvious, but simply hasn't drilled its way into my thick skull yet)

2010-10-01 [Lady Arrianya]: he found and recognized my darker side and truer nature without even trying and without me actually showing it to him

2010-10-01 [Sir Riddle]: yes, I got that part..., but why did I need to read it? (sorry for asking stupid questions^^^")

2010-10-01 [Lady Arrianya]: because i thought you would find it kind of amusing :P (you never know unless you ask ^^)

2010-10-01 [Sir Riddle]: my guess was that you were suggesting I'd put it up as a quote^^^ (that's why I asked, I like to take risks^^^)

2010-10-03 [Lady Arrianya]: Lol nah though if you wish to, you may adapt it and put it up, if your asking that is.

2010-10-06 [Sir Riddle]: nah..., don't know what to make of it...

I just discovered the perfect way to describe how I feel about that steel bra thing we talked about earlier^^^

2010-10-07 [Lady Arrianya]: XD Very much so ^^

2010-11-12 [Rook.]: ANYA!!

2010-11-12 [Sir Riddle]: quick! hide the evidence!@_@

2010-12-13 [Rook.]: *pounces on Riddle and uses him for a pillow*

2010-12-14 [Sir Riddle]: too late! run while you can, I'll hold her back!^^^ *squirms into a more comfortable position*

2011-01-23 [Lady Arrianya]: *runs for it, diving in the middle and curling up on the poe sandwhich, giggling* let me help you hold her back so the evidence can burn ^^

2011-01-27 [Sir Riddle]: *thinks* didn't think of burning it..., but don't witnessess always smell really badly when they burn? o.0

2011-04-04 [Lady Arrianya]: O.o good point. guess its the gas chamber then >.>

2011-04-05 [Sir Riddle]: it'll take too long with preparations and all, besides, we need to erase the evidence, if there are corpses, there's evidence...

2011-05-07 [Lady Arrianya]: Hmm idk then

2011-05-08 [Sir Riddle]: you don't happen to have any acid on you?

2011-05-09 [Lady Arrianya]: Sorry, fresh out :(

2011-05-09 [Sir Riddle]: back to the drawing board it is!

2011-05-11 [Lady Arrianya]: Lol yus dear riddle :P

2011-11-16 [Rook.]: *purrs and turns around, nuzzling anya* ^^ why not just ty them to an airplane and shoot them off to the sun, that way, when the plane runs out of fuel, it'll burn comming back into the atmosphere?

2012-02-24 [Lady Arrianya]: *smiles and cuddles rook*

2012-02-25 [Rook.]: Anya *cuddles back, purring* You stay away for WAAAAYYYY too long! I miss you, love! <3

2012-02-27 [Lady Arrianya]: well now you can contact me anytime

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